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In the enormous landscape of networking and the internet, migration to IPv6 is a critical evolution. Currently, global IPv6 adoption is at 46% as of Sept, 2024 with India leading the charge at 70% IPv6 adoption.  But what, in essence, is the migration to IPv6 and why is it important? If you haven’t yet migrated to IPv6 or you’re facing challenges post migration – dive into this comprehensive blog for more information.

What is IPv6 migration?

IPv6 migration is the transition of the current Internet Protocol version, generally referred to as IPv4, to the new and more advanced Internet Protocol version 6. The IPv4 has a 32-bit address space, which hosts about 4.3 billion addresses on the internet. The unique and new IPv4 addresses have run out as of 2019. Whereas, IPv6 address space is 128-bit, making the number of unique addresses almost infinite. This transition is essential for internet growth and scalability.

Why is IPv6 Adoption Critical?

IPv6 adoption is important for many reasons:

  • Address Exhaustion: As IPv4 addresses are running out, it is imperative to utilize IPv6 because of the vast address space it provides to accommodate the rising number of internet-connected devices.
  • Better Security: IPv6 has been designed with security in mind and boasts other securities-based features, such embedded IPsec support for end-to-end encryption.
  • Better Performance: IPv6 minimizes the size of routing tables, thereby making IPv6 routing more optimal, and thus enhancing the general performance of the network. It is a necessity in the world of high-speed internet.
  • Simplified Network Configuration: IPv6 provides Stateless Address Autoconfiguration     (IPv6 SLAAC) functionality, where a device can configure IP addresses automatically on its own without manual configuration.

What are the Three Types of IPv6 Migration Techniques?

  • Dual Stack: This method gives the running of IPv4 and IPv6 concurrently in usage. It means that the transition is done in such a way that systems can operate with a provision to run in a mode supporting one of the protocols or another; hence, this supports compatibility without much disruption.
  • IPv6 Tunneling: In a process known as tunneling, IPv6 packets are encapsulated within IPv4 packets that can move through IPv4 infrastructure. This can be a practical transitional measure allowing IPv6 connectivity even while parts of the network are still using IPv4.
  • Translation: This works to translate IPv6 packets to IPv4 and vice versa so that both can communicate with each other. It’s quite handy in translating legacy systems, which have to communicate in a world dominated by IPv6.

What are the challenges in IPv6 Migration?

Although the introduction of IPv6 offers various advantages, it is accompanied by a few challenges:

  • Compatibility: The process to make all the devices and software compatible with IPv6 is a bit complex and time-consuming.
  • Cost: Ensuring IPv6 readiness through infrastructure development is expensive, particularly for large organizations with extensive networks.
  • Training and Knowledge: It is important to have technical staff trained for both management and troubleshooting in IPv6 networks.
  • Transition Complexity: The coexistence of IPv4 and IPv6 must be dealt with great care and execution of plans during the transition period.

How can IPv6 Migration challenges be addressed?

The following solutions can assist:

  • Gradual Transition: The possibility to have a dual-stack approach gives a smooth transition—where disruption is minimized, and compatibility is assured.
  • Training Programs: Investment in training for IT personnel to ensure they are well-equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to manage IPv6 networks.
  • Cost management: Planning and budgeting can help manage the process of migration. Furthermore, utilizing available infrastructure to the maximum reduces the cost.
  • Automated Tools: The automated tools can assist in network configuration and implementation of the transition by reducing the overhead from the technical workforce.

Techpartner Alliance Case Study: IPv6 Migration for a Digital Lending NBFC

Client Profile

This client was a leading NBFC lending to Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME). As a Systemically Important, Non-Deposit taking NBFC, they have partnered with over 25,000 enterprises and disbursed loans exceeding $1 billion.


The challenges that IPv6 transition posed to the client include a lack of adequate knowledge about IPv6, regulatory compliance requirements, and managing migration costs. They also faced difficulties in configuring dual-stack networks and ensuring compatibility between their head office and branch offices. These issues put their operational efficiency and growth scalability at risk.


Techpartner’s project audited the current IPv4 infrastructure of the client and developed a detailed migration plan, with focus on compliance and cost. Configuration was done for dual-stack support with both IPv4 and IPv6, ensuring secure communication protocol deployment, and thorough training accompanied by continuous support to make sure no bottlenecks through the process.


Through Techpartner’s IPv6 migration, the client achieved full compliance with the new regulations. This simultaneously brought down operational costs and improved network compatibility. They also increased their security and future-proofed their infrastructure to provide seamless operations across all office locations.

Key Features of the IPv6 Migration:

  • Dual-Stack Configuration: Integration of dual-stack IPv4 and IPv6 support within AWS assured the client of seamless operations across networks. This increased network performance, compliance, and cost efficiency and put them on easier footing to grow.
  • IPSec Encrypted Tunnels: The security of the AWS platform was leveraged in building the encrypted IPSec tunnels over IPv6 and provided a method that was secure for communication from the head office to the branch offices. In such a way, network security became higher, and it was much easier to comply, while data exchange across their infrastructure became reliable.

This has, in fact, made the client so much more scalable, secure, and efficient in operations, ensuring long-term success for the firm.


The migration toward IPv6 is a must for the Internet to further develop and grow. While it poses a few challenges, it has turned out to be an indispensable step in view of an improved level of security, better performance, and virtually limitless address space. Transitioning to IPv6 for a business means migrating under careful planning and execution. Businesses are able to migrate to IPv6, thereby, future-proofing their networks. IPv6 may be daunting at first sight, but it is a leap toward a stronger and more scalable internet infrastructure.

About Techpartner

Techpartner Alliance is an AWS Advanced Partner with 10 years of experience on AWS solutions. It was founded in 2014 by Ravindra Katti (previously Director and Head IT, Gupshup) and Prasad Wani. Being a TechOps organization, we are the go-to partners for businesses for all things technology. We offer more than just individual benefits by blending our specialized services with AWS’s reliable infrastructure. This collaboration enhances performance, reliability, and security, ensuring our customers meet regulatory requirements and reduce costs. Our seamless integration future-proofs network infrastructures, enabling businesses to become more efficient, scalable, and innovative. Together we provide a comprehensive solution that truly meets all your needs.

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