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This top online auto media portal provides an online platform for automobile owners and buyers to research, sell, buy or just discuss about their vehicles.

The client had multiple challenges in ensuring uptime of their resources. They were completely depended on colocation provider for their infra needs including build deployment, security and networking. They had severe scale problems too, due to which they had to size the infra for peaky traffic. On top of this, there was tech refresh cycle that was to be done regularly resulting in allocation of extensive resources. Last but not the least, the TCO was not favourable.


Techpartner spent time and understood the whole setup. After a complete study involving their application stack, network stack and database stack. The Techpartner team spent time with their team in understanding their problem statements. TP did a thorough analysis and came up with a plan to help migrate to the new setup to AWS.

The TCO analysis clearly weighed in favour of AWS as the infra management piece was completely out of the plate.

Techpartner also showcased automation using various AWS and open source tools which improved the productivity including CI/CD.

TP also showcased the advantages of migrating to open source including MSSQL.

With AWS, the client has the flexibility of scaling out or scaling up as and when needed. The elasticity really helped them scale to handle 8x traffic during Bharat IV standards roll out and more recently GST. With rich IAM features, even the developers are given the freedom to own and use instances programmatically. The client could save a lot by migrating to open source database from MSSQL with no compromise on performance and scale.

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